You just got like a million new people to play Madden with

Defined by reliable reference sources as "a non-sexual relationship between two men" and “the worst show ever to star Brody Jenner, which is really saying something”, Bromance is an app helping dudes connect with other dudes with the same dude-interests, although they stress that it's strictly platonic and that women can also be "bros"... you've made it, ladies! You've really made it.

Set up your cleverly named "Brofile" (input age, location, and specific interests from a big long list), and you'll receive an activity feed of nearby events you’d likely be into, and net invites to everything from billiards, fishing, and motocross, to sport shooting and curling, which is a sport many people would like to shoot.

You can also browse "Activities" to find friends or nearby strangers seeking a hangout (hitting the gym, undoing the gym with six hrs of Call of Duty MW3, etc.) or create your own events by giving time/ date/ location info, and even sync your contacts via Facebook or Twitter, so if you're setting up a bro’d-out smokefest, just use the hashtag.

The coming-mighty-soon 2.0 plan is to let you charge others to cover your supply costs (beer, curling stones, bullets to shoot at curling stones, etc.), with the Bromance team taking only a small cut, or what Brody Jenner would've been from his own reality show.