Rock City's finest franks

People from Detroit tend to be fiercely protective of their city, though those escalating crime rates suggest they're doing a really terrible job. For a chance to taste the best of that city without fear of bodily harm, check out Coney Dog.

Opening Monday on Sunset, CD's a disc used to store Ini Kamoze songs hotdoggery featuring the look of an old-timey cafeteria (with Rock City love all over the light green walls, a tile floor, and retro white formica tabletops) and is the first West Coast outpost of a sounds-like-it's-from-NY-but-actually-famous-in-Michigan mini-chain imported by a couple from the D. Dogs're an 80/20 beef pork split (and're imported from Detroit), with the specialty a 'furter in a steamed bun topped with yellow mustard, bean-less chili, and raw onions, which take a much shorter time to make you cry. But wait, there's more: they've also got chili fries, turkey dogs, and the Neiman Ranch-sourced, ground beef-stuffed-into-a-hot-dog-bun "Loose Burger", also what Carrie angrily called her Season 4 boyfriend after she discovered his morally casual attitude towards hooker sex.

They've also got beers, w/ the guy from Surly Goat running a rotating list of craft brews on tap and the Michigan-based Stroh's always available in a bottle, because it would be a crime to have a dog without one. Though not a Detroit crime, as that just involves bombing out your house then murdering you.