Someone made bacon sushi, should win every international award ever

After pairing rolls with some, ahem, stupefying substances (weed!), the sushi gods have given us another incredible mash-up that deserves your full, probably wandering attention. Dubbed the "Sushi Pig", the glorious bacon rolls you see above also feature such supporting talents as prosciutto, smoked ham, cream cheese, honey crisp apple, and an unidentified aioli that may or may not contain bonus bacon grease.

It was created by Redditor chears500 for a friend's bacon-wrapped anything contest, which our hero somehow did not win. But that shouldn't stop you from trying the Pig yourself by using this whole step-by-step process.

Kristin Hunt is a food/drink staff writer for Thrillist. Before that, she ran a massive Dunk-a-roo cartel out of her college dorm room until the game got too rough. Follow her at @kristin_hunt.