This is the only luxury submarine charter company in the world

Triton Submarine Charters
Triton Submarine Charters
Triton Submarine Charters

Submarine enthusiasts rejoice! You no longer have to drown your sorrows in super-long sammiches because you don't have access to an actual submersible, since luxury personal sub manufacturer Triton Submarines now has a charter service.

Triton Submarine Charters
Triton Submarine Charters

Here's how it works... Step one: order your personal submarine charter. Step two: standby idly on your yacht, and maybe have a money fight to pass the time.

Triton Submarine Charters
Triton Submarine Charters

Depending how far you are from Triton's charter HQ in Southern Florida, eventually they'll arrive with your personal sub or subs on their yacht.

Triton Submarine Charters
Triton Submarine Charters

Once you've exchanged pleasantries with the Triton crew, they'll lower your vessel into the water.

Triton Submarine Charters
Triton Submarine Charters

Next, you get in... Don't forget to shut the door!

Triton Submarine Charters
Triton Submarine Charters

And just like that, BAM, you're 20,000 leagues under the sea (or whatever).

Triton Submarine Charters
Triton Submarine Charters

Even though you're probably quite a yachtsman, the dudes at Triton will be captaining the submarine.

Triton Submarine Charters
Triton Submarine Charters

Which's actually totally fine because, it gives you a chance to make silly faces at all your buds scuba diving outside the vessel.

Triton Submarine Charters
Triton Submarine Charters

Then, when the charter's all over, the dudes at Triton pack up their vessel and go home, while you go back to eating delicious foot-long sammiches...